Being a military family we are pros at flexibility. For once, this seems to have worked in our favor. (Knock on wood.) Needless to say, when one of my closest friends booked a pre-deployment trip to Disney I was insanely jealous. I have been wanting to go back since our last visit and couldn't handle waiting any longer. I called Disney and booked our own magical pre-deployment vacation. It's going to cost a pretty penny as usual, but I know it will be worth it.
Disney 2009 |
Recently I stumbled across a great blog called
Couponing to Disney. (Thank you Pinterest and my fabulous friend Jennie!) I am infatuated with the idea that by couponing, something I already do, I could save for Disney. My goal is always to pay cash for everything, so I'm really enjoying her take on saving for Disney, even if I am doing things a little ass backwards. (Pardon my "French"!) While we've already booked our vacation we only put down a deposit and are growing our own Disney trip fund each month to pay off the balance.

Sadly, the military discount Disney offers expires in September. Of course, we have planned our trip for after it expires. Go figure. We are praying it is extended. We took advantage of Disney's generous military offers three years ago and they paid off! Of course, when it is extended the good people at Disney will magically adjust our balance "just like that". Fingers crossed our fairy godmother is looking out for us!
But I digress...because all of the balance won't magically disappear I will be working to increase our Disney fund by scrimping, saving and couponing! Kristin at Couponing to Disney has some great ideas and tips. There are things I haven't tried and I plan to explore some of these options in the coming months. I'm going to do my best to keep up with the blog and my savings exploits. I'm a crazy planner when it comes to a Disney trip. Being goal-oriented I'm hoping this motivates me to stay on top of my couponing and be more responsible with our budget. (I feel like I've been slacking lately.)
To start off I'm focusing on really staying on top of my coupons. I had two weeks worth of inserts to cut and file this week before super doubles at Harris Teeter. Organizing and planning are key to successful super doubles trips for me so I am well on my way to getting that done. I spent the past 24 hours clipping and filing and will spend tomorrow putting together my shopping list. Hoping to stock my fridge, freezer and pantry with lots of staples for my family of four.
So, join me as I embark on prepping for a memorable, magical family vacation. I plan to blog my journey as I prep, scrimp, save, craft and coupon my way to Disney! A dream is a wish your heart makes and my dream will be reality soon enough!
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