Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flipping Out!

I spent the last week and a half flipping out about Liam flipping!  He has been breech  most of this pregnancy and when they informed me a week and a half ago, at 36 1/2 weeks, that he still was I was concerned.  My doctor said I may need to start looking at my options.  These included an external manual version and a c-section.  Um, no thanks!  Did he miss the note in my file about wanting a natural birth?   (I say this with heavy sarcasm as he really did notice and mention the note!)  He said they would schedule an ultrasound for a week or two from then to check on where Liam was.  If not, it was time to chat.

My reaction was to obsess for the past week and a half about what I could do to get the little man to turn head down and ready to go!  I have spent a lot of time and money preparing for birth, and wasn't ready to give up on the baby cooperating and doing what is natural!  So I started seeking information from the fabulous ladies on my What to Expect forum.  These ladies have been the voice of reason, experience and fabulous listeners throughout my entire pregnancy!  They didn't disappoint!  They offered advice, hope and prayers.  The best recommendation I got was for the website  What a great resource!  I was willing to try anything and this site has a plethora of information and ideas to help baby go head down!

Each day I did inversion exercises in hope that if I was head down, the baby would go head down.  So, much to my husband's delight, I "hung" upside down off of the couch at least three times a day.  He enjoyed the spectacle so much he would encourage me to do the exercises when he was home.  We tried putting the cold ice pack on his head when it was up in my ribs, pelvic tilts (with and without the ice pack) and Den talking to the bottom of my belly so he would follow his voice.  I even shamelessly tried lecturing and nagging him while he is in the womb! 

On Monday I decided it was time for one last ditch attempt at him flipping and scheduled an appointment with a local chiropractor who specializes in the Webster technique.  I was a little nervous about being adjusted in my very pregnant state, but decided I would regret it if I didn't try everything at my disposal to get the little man head down.  So off to the chiropractor I went.  After a quick "interview" he adjusted me and worked on my round ligament.  One slightly hefty "first appointment" fee later I walked out hopeful I'd have good news at the doctors.

And so yesterday I nervously headed off to the doctors office.  I hadn't had butterflies in my stomach like this since our first dating ultrasound!  When the tech turned on the machine and found his head by my pelvis I cried!  I was so happy he had cooperated!  Am I 100% sure what worked?  Nope.  No idea.  All I know is that we are ready for take-off here at Hotel Gretchen!  We're just waiting on Liam to be ready to make his appearance!  And in the meantime, I got to see his adorable face again.  I cannot wait to meet him in person!

Now on to Operation Evict Liam!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July Madness!

I love my husband, dearly. However, he is a homebody and I am not. I love to socialize and explore! He is happy to relax on the couch watching Law & Order and Bones. Needless to say, I get the itch to get out and do things and sometimes, he begrudgingly humors me!

Since Cody is out west I thought we should take advantage of our rare alone time and do something special. However, when you're 35 weeks pregnant, there is only so much you want to do or so far you want to go. Originally we had thought about a trip to Charleston, SC for the weekend, but I wasn't sure I wanted to drive that far this far along in my pregnancy. (Originally we had planned the trip for almost a month earlier, but we had an extended Codymoon instead!) So we planned an impromptu overnight to Raleigh over the Fourth of July weekend.

Nothing fancy by any means, but lots of fun was had by both of us, even if Den complained that I was making him do all the things I wanted to do! We drove up early afternoon and checked into the La Quinta Crabtree. Since getting our furbabies La Quinta has been our saving grace. It allows us to travel with the furbabies without paying huge fees or having to board them. Then we headed over to a local mall and did a little shopping where I indulged in two new tops. It seemed a little frivalous with only five weeks left, but the belly has gotten so big there is only so much that fits now! We had dinner at P.F. Changs so Den could get his Chinese food fix. Then we went to see "Rent". It was a fabulous little getaway! Plus, I think it helped that wonderful hubby of mine see that getting out and doing things can be fun!

Not only did we get out of dodge on Saturday, but I convinced him to go see the fireworks on the fourth! We had BBQ over at the staff club, played a little rummy and relaxed. Then he took me to the movies on Monday night!  How I managed to convince him to do all these fun things, is beyond me!   I think I will have to stay home and relax all next weekend to make up for all the activities I conned him into doing!  I guess he's earned it!
