...and only you! I remember that feeling well. That little tag along of a pesky little brother. Ok, mine was pretty darn cute, just like the fussbucket is, but sometimes it's hard to see the cuteness through the annoyance. The joys of being a big sibling!
Playing guns with brother! |
Yes, we did have to buy L a gun to match his big brothers after he spent half of our trip in Williamsburg trying to steal his. And now, a month later, they run around the house chasing each other with these guns. Most days C is great at playing with his brother, but others, he gets annoyed and frustrated.
Aiming like brother! |
I hope he looks at these pictures though and remembers how fun it was to play with his little brother. I hope they continue to grow an amazing bond despite their age difference. I hope L grows up to be as smart, creative and kind as his big brother. Most of all I hope that C will continue to love his brother, spend time with him and be a great example to him.
Watching our two boys grow up and change is one of the greatest joys I could ever have imagined. Seeing the sibling relationship from a whole different perspective makes me appreciate my own little brother so much more! I hope they realize how lucky they are so much earlier than I might have! Having a sibling is a great blessing! I'm so glad I have one and that my boys have each other!
P.S. Totally unrelated, but Liam now says "cheese" and smiles for pictures...sometimes!